Types Of Membership
There are three categories of membership
Full Member
£200 joining fee
£275 p.a. membership fee
This grade of membership is restricted to "importers, exporters, brokers, traders, manufacturers, distributors or other persons engaged in the grain, feed or other allied trades whose business involved in the management, storage, production, marketing, distribution or use of grain, feeding stuffs or allied commodities used in the food or feed industries through or in ports or elsewhere in the United Kingdom".
Associate Member
£200 joining fee
£200 p.a. membership fee
This grade of membership is for "Any person or company carrying on or engaged in any business providing a service to any of the categories listed against a full member" may apply for associate membership.
Individual Affiliate
£100 joining fee
£100 p.a. membership fee
This grade of membership is for any person previously or currently employed by a Member company.
All prices above are subject to VAT. All membership grades are subject to approval of the Executive Committee.
Who can join
Membership of the Bristol Corn and Feed Trade Association is open to all Companies who operate within the Grain and Feed Industries.
Process to join
Prospective members complete a membership application form which will require a proposer and seconder from an existing member which should be forwarded to the secretary.
Following receipt of the application to join BCFTA as a member, the secretary will review the application and the Executive Committee will consider it at the next committee meeting.
Following the committee meeting the secretary will contact the applicant to inform them of the committee's decision